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#Before9am: Happy, Hectic Holiday Edition

Remember how 9 a.m. used to feel like the start of the day, and then you became a mom? Romper's ongoing Instagram series #Before9am celebrates all you do before most people have their coffee. Check out mom blogger Jessica McFadden’s holiday season morning, which is packed with action, fueled by caffeine and accomplished by the light of the Christmas tree.

A normal weekday morning is always hectic. But throw in the extra falalalaOMG of the holidays, and I find myself waking up with a bigger ongoing to-do list than usual. The kids need more prodding, work requires more gussying up, presents and cards need to be mailed…sometimes all before 9 a.m. But eventually it all gets done, thanks to big kids who make their own lunches, super fast showers and super sneaky school drives while wearing pajamas.

Check out more #Before9am on Romper's Instagram.