
8 Things Every Couple Should Do The Last Week Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy can feel like a long and arduous road. I mean, 40 weeks (more or less) of growing a human can weigh on a person. Turns out, it can also weigh on a couple. Libidos change, hormones surge, tempers run short, and a couple's focus usually shifts to all things parenthood, leaving little room to pay attention to much else. When that baby arrives, though, it can be pretty difficult to find time to care for and focus on your partner. That’s why I’m suggesting a few things couples should do the last week of pregnancy.

My own pregnancy with my son was especially difficult. I was high-risk so I had to visit the doctor on a weekly basis. My husband had to give my hormone shots every week, too. Then I was on pelvic rest and bed rest for, well, longer than any human should be. My husband was stressed and working. I was stressed and working, and then stressed and forced to stay at home. As a result of all that change and stress, it was difficult if not damn near impossible for us to connect. Sometimes we’d simply snap at one another and, well, it could get ugly.

By the end of my pregnancy, though, we were feeling together again. We were so excited that our little one had stayed put and "cooked" long enough, and we were dying to meet him. But in retrospect, I wish we had also focused a little more on our relationship during those last moments of “just us.” Because while I wouldn’t trade my family for anything, our lives changed drastically the moment our son was born so we’ll never be the same “just us” again.

Have Some Uninterrupted Sexy Time

I don't know about you, but it was hard to feel sexy when I was ready to "pop." Honestly, I just wanted to sleep. Still, I think it's important to try to squeeze in a little intimacy. Even if it doesn’t go “all the way,” you might enjoy feeling somewhat connected with and to your significant other.

Go Out On A Date

If you’re able to get around, I definitely suggest going on a date. Doesn’t have to be late at night or anything. In fact, it could be a breakfast date. Whatever. Just go out and reconnect.

Have A Long Conversation About Anything Other Than Baby Stuff

When was the last time you asked your partner about something other than baby stuff? It’s so easy to slip into a seemingly never-ending pattern of only talking about your future child. Rest assured, though, you and your partner had things in common prior to the baby, so think hard and bring it up.

Act Irresponsibly

Just for a day at least, you guys. If one or both of you are both working, call out "sick" (if you can afford to at least). Go to an arcade or something fun that you can still do while heavily pregnant. Do anything except answer to anyone. You won’t get another day like that in a while.

Go On A Supply-Shopping Date Together

OK, so some stuff might have to do with the baby. Sort of. You probably already have all your baby stuff ready (or at least in your Amazon queue), but how about buying up some supplies for you and your significant other? Like plastic cutlery (because you’re not going to want to do dishes for a while) or maybe some nice bath products (so you can feel somewhat human when the exhaustion truly kicks in).

Watch A Movie Or Favorite Show On The Couch

You won’t be able to give your favorite shows the same attention when your baby arrives. Trust me. I remember binging all of Breaking Bad with my husband while pregnant (I swear one episode nearly made me go into labor). Find something horribly violent or sexual (or both!), something you know you won’t be watching around your kids, and dive in.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

You’re going to want all the sleep you can possibly get. Like, even when you wake up, just lie there and try to force yourself back to sleep. Seriously. You’ll never, ever, ever sleep like that again and it’s a damn shame.

Eat Tacos

My husband suggested this one and I’m inclined to agree. Really, there’s never a bad time for tacos. (Plus, if you’re wanting to go into labor already, there’s the mild chance that spicy food might kick things off. So there you go!)