
22 Postpartum Moments That'll Bring You & Your Partner Closer

by Steph Montgomery

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

If you are anything like me, the first few months after you bring your new baby home are full of surprises, scary moments, snuggles, self-doubt, silliness, sleep deprivation, and so many tears shed by everyone involved. However, despite the inevitable freak outs, fears, and fights, there are many postpartum moments that'll bring you and your partner closer.

There was nothing more amazing than meeting our son for the first time together. I grew a tiny human in my body who is part me and part my husband and he'll be in our lives forever. I mean, that's mazing. However, there are also scary and emotionally charged moments, like your baby is sick, won't stop crying, or won't go the f*ck to sleep. The intensity of those moments and the ability to problem solve together generated some serious moments of common ground and commiseration for us as a couple.

I admit that occasionally I get resentful of my husband's ability to sleep through a literal sh*t storm happening on the other side of our bedroom, or that I can't seem to be able to explain to him what what it's like to have to manage postpartum depression and anxiety, something he will never truly understand. However, in so many ways having a baby together has made our relationship stronger (at least once I stopped keeping score about who was getting more sleep).

When You Meet Your Baby For The First Time

There's nothing more amazing than meeting your baby for the first time. I am so glad I got to share that moment with my partner. We made a tiny human.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When Your Partner Says "I Support You"

Even though his first week was full of a lot of trial and error when it came to how and what we fed our baby, I knew I had my husband's support no matter what.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When Your Partner Holds Your Baby For The First Time

Seeing him hold our baby was simply amazing. It made me love him even more.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Take Your First Family Photo

We snapped a quick picture of the three of us before going to sleep. Looking at it makes me swell with love.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When Your Baby Experiences Their First Night In The World

The shared responsibility of being parents sets in during your first night in the hospital. Emotions vacillated from "oh crap" to "aw yes." I don't think any of us got much sleep.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Share Private Moments

We stole a few moments of quiet intimacy at the hospital. We were so excited, happy, and scared, but we also knew we had each other to lean on.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Have Your First Night Home From The Hospital

Why won't he sleep?

It's your turn.

What do you mean he pooped, again?

I'm so tired.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Have Your First Fight

It's generally about something stupid and petty. Everything is worse when you are sleep deprived. Luckily, there's something about newborn snuggles that cure pretty much anything.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Have Your First Date Night

It was more than a little bit surreal to not be "pregnant me" anymore. However, sharing some wine with my partner was just what this mama needed.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Share Silly Moments

So many silly moments. Most of them involve poop, pee, baby farts, and other bodily functions that are nothing if not inevitable.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Start Experiencing Sleep Deprivation

At least we are both exhausted, right? We'll look back on these moments and laugh someday, I'm sure.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You See Your Partner's Face When You Look At Your Baby

It's so amazing to recognize parts of my husband in our child's expressions or features.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When The Baby Finally Sleeps

He's finally asleep. Heck yeah. Let's have some mommy and daddy snuggles, or maybe just some sleep.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When Your Baby Is Sick

There's nothing scarier than your newborn being sick. It made me feel so helpless, but I knew that my husband was there with me and for me, no matter what.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When The Baby Won't Stop Crying

"What's wrong with him?

Is it his diaper?

Is he hungry?

Just gas?

Why won't he stop crying?"

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When Your Baby Pees All Over One Of You

So much pee. Try to laugh about it, if you can. After all, if you don't laugh you might cry.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Are So Damn Tired

Can you please take over? I need some sleep now.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When Your Partner Takes The Baby

There's nothing sexier than a partner willing to take care of your baby so you can get some damn sleep.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Do The Same For Your Partner

We are in this relationship as equal partners. We take shifts so everyone gets sleep.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Have Postpartum Sex For The First Time

It may not be the best sex ever, the baby might wake up, you might laugh, or cry, and it might be completely different than before. However, the first time my partner and I had sex since I had the baby, brought us some needed intimacy in our relationship.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When The Baby Wakes Up

"Honey, it's your turn.

What do you mean you changed him last time?

I honestly don't remember."

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

When You Realize You're A Great Parenting Team

Learning how to parent a tiny human with someone is not easy and definitely not for the faint of heart. However, once you figure a few things out, learn to laugh at mistakes, and forgive each other for the things you say when you're sleep deprived, you just might find that these moments will bring you closer together.

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery